
Open, Verifiable and Anonymous Access Management

Blockchainly secured

Leveraging the blockchain technology processes such as buying books from a publisher and lending books from a library are validated through cryptographic algorithms provided by Ethereum's blockchain and stored as blocks such that it is hardly crackable.

Distributed library environment

Differently from what we are used to think of libraries LibChain proposes a distributed environment which is verifiable thanks to the blockchain.

Cooperative proposal

Within LibChain's vision lies a fine-grained management of payments between publishers and libraries and even supporting Open Access publishers to gather a place in the participating publishers.

More About The Technology of LibChain

LibChain was created with a unique purpose: trigger the motivation to support the integration of blockchain in libraries. That's why we need you. Help us spread this prototype, so more active developers interested in LibChain's vision grab enough inspiration for creating something on their own. For those who stand behind this vision, LibChain has a gift for you so you don't have to start from scratch: a Wiki. There you can find all related information to LibChain, from the motivating idea to the architecture's proposal and technology stack.


Juan C.

Gerrit J.

Alexander M.

Peter J.

Tim J.



LibChain is a prototypical implentation of a open verifiable and anonymous access management for publishers and libraries based on the blockchain technology.

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